The lineup of splash-proof sliders has been extended.
You can now choose a splash-proof actuator of desired size to match your specific application.
Series Features
- The new slider structure keeps water out of the internal parts. When air purge is performed, the robot conforms to IP65. (Note 1) The high-speed robot achieves a maximum speed of 1,000 mm/sec. (Note 2)
- The maximum load capacity is 70 kg, so heavy loads can be transferred effortlessly. (Note 3)
- The high-precision specification (ISPWA) with a C5-equivalent precision rolled screw boasts a positioning repeatability of +/-0.01 mm. The standard specification (ISWA) also ensures high accuracy equivalent to +/-0.02 mm.
- Select from the three sizes of S (94 mm wide), M (125 mm wide) and L (155 mm wide).
- * (Note 1) The protection class is IP54 without air purge.
- * (Note 2) M type, 200 W/20-mm lead.
- * (Note 3) M type, 100 W/5-mm lead or 200 W/10-mm lead. L type, 200W/10-mm lead or 400W/20-mm lead.
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Usage Example
Notes On Use